A big thank you to all the donors of the museum!

Alves Jean
Applemans Claire
Cante Ambroise
Cruz Moya Arielys
Delooz Lisette
Flex John
Gauthier Sara
Georgoulis Laetitia
Goval Simon
Grimée Gheeraert Anne
Hatton Jérôme
Hawrysz Jaroslaw
Lacour Stéphanie
Lamont Sabine
Lefebvre Nathalie
Lewis-Bloom Helen
Magazin Mia
Mejia Ruiz Luis
Mesyngier Olivier
Michel Christiane
Petit M.C.
Pierart Sylvie
Platteau B.
Robert Lukas
Rodriguez Gonzalez Mari
Saels Christine
Thieulin Caprika
Thieulin Illona
Thieulin Kyra
Thilmant Patrick
Van De Mert André
Van De Mert Isabelle
Van Lierde Pascale
Van Lil Marie-Françoise
Vaneesbeck Marie-Christine
Vanmolkot Pierre
Vermeire Patrick
Vregde Paul

If we have forgotten you, please let us know. We apologize in advance!

All Rights Reserved